Ancylostoma caninum infection

Ancylostoma caninum Infection

Ancylostoma caninum is a species of nematode or roundworm that can infect dogs and cats. In dogs, an A. caninum infection can cause anemia, nutrient deficiencies, and, in severe cases, death. If left untreated, the infection can spread to humans, where it can cause marked anemia and a wide range of other health impacts. Therefore, medical evaluation and prompt treatment are important if signs of infection are noticed.

Signs of Ancylostoma caninum Infection

The most common signs of an A. caninum infection include:

  • Anemia
  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
Other symptoms may also occur, including changes in skin and hair, coughing, and difficulty breathing. The extent of the infection is typically shown by the degree of anemia present, which can be diagnosed through a complete blood count and hemoglobin measurement.

Treating A. caninum Infection

The primary treatment for A. caninum infection is deworming or anthelmintic therapy. This is typically done with medications that target the roundworms directly. Commonly used medications include ivermectin, milbemycin, and moxidectin. The dose and method of administration depend on the age and weight of the dog, so a veterinarian’s guidance is necessary for proper treatment.

If the infection is severe and causing other complications, such as concurrent bacterial infections, other treatments may be necessary. These may include antibiotic therapy, nutrition support, and possibly even blood transfusions, depending on the extent of the anemia.

Preventing A. caninum Infection

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent Ancylostoma caninum infection in your pet. These include:

  • Clean up visible feces in yards promptly, as this is where the roundworm eggs can be found.
  • Remove feces from litter boxes at least once a day.
  • Have your pet dewormed regularly with medication prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • Practice good hygiene to prevent human infection.

Ancylostoma caninum infection is a serious condition that can negatively impact your pet's health. Fortunately, it's preventable, and prompt treatment can ensure a full recovery. To keep your pet safe, speak with your veterinarian about preventive measures and keep an eye out for signs of infection.