Amylase - blood

What is Amylase Blood Test?

The amylase blood test is a test that measures the amount of an enzyme called amylase in your blood. Amylase is an enzyme that helps with the digestion of carbohydrate-containing foods. It is produced by your pancreas and salivary glands. A higher than normal level of amylase in your blood is referred to as hyperamylasemia.


Before the test, it is important to follow the instructions given by your doctor or lab technician. This may include fasting before the test, and avoiding certain medications or supplements prior to the test. It is important to follow your doctor’s advice to ensure a successful test.


The amylase blood test is a simple procedure that involves taking a blood sample from the arm. The sample will be taken by a healthcare professional, usually a nurse or a phlebotomist. The sample will be collected in a small tube and sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Types of Amylase Blood Tests

There are two types of amylase blood tests: total amylase and pancreatic amylase. The total amylase test measures the amount of all forms of amylase in the blood, while the pancreatic amylase test specifically measures the amount of pancreatic amylase. The pancreatic amylase test is used to diagnose pancreatic diseases.

Risks and Side Effects

The amylase blood test is a safe procedure and does not have any known risks or side effects. However, some people may experience discomfort and pain while the sample is being taken from their arm.

Why is the Amylase Blood Test Done?

The amylase blood test is done to check for hyperamylasemia. It is usually done to diagnose and monitor various disorders of the pancreas and other organs, such as the kidneys, liver, and salivary glands. It may also be done to check for any blockages in the pancreas.

When to Get an Amylase Blood Test

Your doctor may recommend an amylase blood test if you are experiencing signs and symptoms of pancreatic disorders, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice. The test may also be recommended if you have a higher than normal risk of pancreatic diseases, such as diabetes, gallstones, or a family history of pancreatic diseases.