24-hour urine copper test

24-Hour Urine Copper Test

A 24-hour urine copper test is a procedure used to measure the amount of copper excreted in a person's urine over a 24-hour period. It can help diagnose and assess conditions such as Wilson's disease, a rare genetic disorder that affects copper absorption and excretion.


No special preparations are needed for a 24-hour urine copper test. People may need to continue taking any medications they currently take. However, certain medications, such as vitamins or iron supplements, can interfere with the results of the test. Therefore, people should tell the doctor about all other medications they are taking before taking the test.


The procedure consists of collecting a urine sample over a 24-hour period. People should not collect the first urine sample in the morning. Instead, the person should start the collection in the morning and finish after 24 hours, at the same time the next day. The doctor will provide a urine collection kit that contains a container, preservative, and lid. The doctor will explain how to collect and store the sample correctly. Usually, people need to carry the urine container with them and collect urine every time they visit the bathroom.


There are two types of copper tests: 24-hour urine copper test and serum copper test. The 24-hour urine copper test measures the amount of copper excreted in the urine over a 24-hour period, while the serum copper test measures the amount of copper in the blood. Both tests are used to diagnose and monitor Wilson's disease.


The risks associated with the 24-hour urine copper test are minimal. It is generally safe, but there is a small risk of becoming exposed to dangerous chemicals such as preservatives, which may be present in the collection kit. People should follow their doctor's instructions to ensure that the sample is collected and stored safely. Additionally, the 24-hour urine collection process can be inconvenient, and people may have to make several trips to the bathroom to collect the sample.

Why get tested?

The 24-hour urine copper test is used to diagnose Wilson's disease and monitor the severity of the condition. Symptoms of Wilson's disease can vary in severity, so the test can help monitor the effectiveness of treatment. The 24-hour urine copper test is also used to diagnose and monitor copper toxicity, a condition caused by an excess of copper in the body.

When to get tested?

People should talk to their doctor if they have symptoms of Wilson's disease or copper toxicity and request a 24-hour urine copper test. The doctor will advise whether other tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. People also need frequent tests if they have already been diagnosed with Wilson's disease in order to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. The frequency of tests will depend on the severity of the condition.