Uterine dyskinesia

Uterine Dyskinesia

Uterine dyskinesia is a disorder of the reproductive system in which the uterus does not function as it should, resulting in irregular contractions or spasms. It can cause pain, irregular menstrual cycles, and problems with fertility. Although it is not life-threatening, it can still be quite uncomfortable and disruptive to a woman’s daily life.


The exact cause of uterine dyskinesia is unknown. It is believed to be caused by a combination of anatomical, hormonal, and environmental factors. Anatomical factors include certain uterine congenital malformations, such as septate uterus or mycotic uterus. Hormonal factors include fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone which can cause the uterine muscles to become sensitive and prone to spasm. Environmental factors include stress, physical trauma, and even excessive exercise.


Common symptoms of uterine dyskinesia include:

  • Painful menstrual cramps
  • Painful intercourse
  • Heavy bleeding
  • spotting between periods
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Infertility
  • Abnormal pelvic sensations/pain


The main treatment for uterine dyskinesia is medications to help relax the uterine muscles. These medications can include calcium channel blockers, antispasmodics, and anticonvulsants. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as stress management, regular exercise, and a healthy diet can help reduce symptoms. In some cases, surgery may be recommended to correct anatomical problems.