Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

What is an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection?

Upper respiratory tract infections (URI) are infections of the upper airways, which include the nose, throat, sinuses, and larynx (voice box). URI’s are usually caused by bacteria or viruses and may include inflammation of the mucous membranes. Symptoms of URI’s may include fever, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, and coughing. Treatment for URI’s typically includes antibiotic medications or antiviral medications, depending on the cause of the infection.

Risk Factors for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

Some of the factors that can increase a person’s risk of getting an upper respiratory tract infection include:

  • Frequent exposure to other people who are sick
  • Lack of sleep
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Air pollution
  • Certain medical conditions, such as asthma, allergies or a weakened immune system

Complications of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

Upper respiratory tract infections can lead to complications including acute sinusitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, and acute bronchitis. It is especially important for people with a weakened immune system or underlying medical condition to take extra precautions to prevent upper respiratory tract infections, as complications can be more serious.

Preventing Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

The best way to prevent upper respiratory tract infections is to practice good hygiene. This includes washing your hands frequently and avoiding exposing yourself to people who are sick. It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating healthy foods. If you do get sick, it is important to rest and drink plenty of fluids to help your body recover.