Trichuris Infection

Trichuris Infection: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Trichuris infection, also known as whipworm infection, is an intestinal infection caused by a roundworm called Trichuris trichiura, which is found in contaminated soil. This type of infection is most common in children living in developing countries due to poor sanitation and hygiene.


Trichuris infection is caused by coming into contact with contaminated soil that contains the eggs of the whipworm. The eggs hatch in the body after being ingested and develop into adult worms that live in the intestines.


People infected with whipworms may show no symptoms at all. However, those who do experience symptoms may have stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal tenderness.


The doctor will typically diagnose a trichuris infection based on the symptoms and a physical examination. A stool sample may also be collected to look for the presence of the parasite’s eggs and adult worms.


Trichuris infection is generally treated with medications such as mebendazole and albendazole. It is important to take the medication as directed and to follow up with the doctor to see if the infection has been cleared.

In addition to medications, it is important to practice good hygiene such as washing hands before eating and cooking food properly.


  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • Cook food thoroughly and avoid eating uncooked food.
  • Wear shoes to prevent contact with contaminated soil.
  • Dispose of fecal waste properly to avoid contamination of soil.
  • Disinfect contaminated areas.
  • Encourage others to practice good hygiene.