Tooth Sensitivity

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is a common oral health condition that involves a sharp, short-term pain in response to certain stimuli, such as cold air or water. Severity of sensitivity can range from mild annoyance to an excruciating feeling. There are several causes of tooth sensitivity, which can include:

  • Tooth decay — When bacteria builds up in our mouth and forms plaque, it feeds off sweetened or acidic foods and drinks that we consume and then produces an acid that corrodes our teeth. This can wear away tooth enamel or the protective coating on your teeth and can make them sensitive
  • Gum recession — This can occur due to several factors such as aggressive brushing, periodontal disease, or genetics. This exposes the tooth's root surface, making it more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth — This can cause wear on the teeth, which can lead to sensitivity
  • Acidic or sugary food and drinks — These can wear away the tooth enamel, leaving the dentin layer of the teeth exposed and vulnerable to sensitivity
  • Tooth whitening or bleaching — Chemicals in these products can affect the enamel on the teeth and cause increased sensitivity

It’s important to look after your teeth and gums properly to help reduce the chances of tooth sensitivity. Good brushing and dental hygiene habits, such as using a soft-bristled toothbrush and cleaning in between the teeth with floss, can make a difference to your oral health and reduce tooth sensitivity.