Tooth Hypersensitivity

What is Tooth Hypersensitivity?

Tooth hypersensitivity is a very common, yet uncomfortable dental complaint. It’s where the tooth has a painful and sharp sensation when certain stimuli such as hot, cold, sweet or sour substances are applied. This can cause discomfort when consuming certain cold drinks, ice cream, citrus fruits or other acidic beverages.

What Causes Tooth Hypersensitivity?

It’s most commonly caused by rubber softened enamel that’s caused by excessive acidity in the mouth due to a bad diet or inadequate oral hygiene. This leads to pinpointed areas which become sensitive when exposed to certain temperatures or tastes.

How Can Tooth Hypersensitivity be Treated?

The treatment of tooth hypersensitivity depends on the underlying cause. Here are some steps you can take to reduce the pain:

  • Avoid overly acidic foods and drinks
  • Use toothpaste and mouthwash designed for sensitive teeth
  • Use a soft bristled toothbrush to gently brush teeth
  • Use a fluoride rinse to help strengthen enamel
  • Regularly visit a dentist to monitor the condition of teeth and gums

If the sensitivity persists, your dentist may prescribe treatments such as special toothpastes or gels to help relieve discomfort and sensitivity.