Thromboembolism of the Coronary Artery

What is Thromboembolism of the Coronary Artery?

Thromboembolism of the coronary artery is a serious medical condition in which a blood clot or thrombus blocks the coronary artery, which supplies oxygen-rich blood to the heart. The blockage can cause a heart attack and lead to heart muscle damage and/or death. It is the most common type of cardiovascular emergency.

What Causes Thromboembolism of the Coronary Artery?

Thromboembolism of the coronary artery can be caused by a number of factors, including: high cholesterol; high blood pressure; diabetes; smoking; a family history of heart disease; advancing age; and obesity. Certain activities, such as strenuous exercise, can also increase the risk of developing the condition. Other factors, such as alcoholism and illegal drug use, can also contribute.

Signs and Symptoms of Thromboembolism of the Coronary Artery

The most common symptom of thromboembolism of the coronary artery is chest pain or angina. Other signs and symptoms may include: shortness of breath; sweating; nausea; dizziness or lightheadedness; left arm pain; and/or an irregular heartbeat.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Thromboembolism of the Coronary Artery

Diagnosis of thromboembolism of the coronary artery is typically made via an electrocardiogram (ECG), a chest x-ray, or an angiogram. Treatment may include medications such as anticoagulants and/or antiplatelet drugs, as well as thrombolytic therapy, which is the use of drugs to dissolve the clot.

Complications of Thromboembolism of the Coronary Artery

Possible complications of thromboembolism of the coronary artery may include: heart attack; arrhythmia; stroke; pulmonary embolism; and death.

Prevention of Thromboembolism of the Coronary Artery

In addition to regularly seeing a doctor for checkups, the following measures can help reduce the risk of thromboembolism of the coronary artery:

  • Maintaining a healthy diet and weight
  • Exercising regularly
  • Managing stress
  • Quitting smoking
  • Limiting alcohol consumption