Susceptible Enteritis infectious caused by Shigella flexneri

Susceptible Enteritis infectious caused by Shigella flexneri

Shigella flexneri is a rod-shaped Gram-negative bacterium belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. It is one of four species of Shigella and is a major cause of infectious diarrheal disease. Theseā€¦ Diarrheal diseases can be extremely severe and potentially life-threatening, particularly in children and in resource-poor countries, where it is a major cause of infant death.

Shigellosis, or Susceptible Enteritis, is the name given to a group of gastrointestinal diseases caused by different species of Shigella. S. flexneri is the most common cause of shigellosis in humans. It is transmitted from person to person, often through contaminated food or water and causes severe diarrhea, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and cramping. In some cases, prolonged or untreated infection can lead to serious complications, such as paralysis or encephalitis.

The bacteria attach to the intestinal wall and release toxins that damage the cells and cause inflammation. This leads to the symptoms of shigellosis. Diagnosis is done through stool analysis or other laboratory tests.

Treatment for shigellosis usually consists of antibiotics, as well as supportive care. Treatment with specific antibiotics is usually effective in clearing the infection and relieving symptoms. Prevention is the best way to reduce the risk of shigellosis. Handwashing with soap and water is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of infection.

Symptoms of Susceptible Enteritis

  • Diarrhea (may be bloody or contain mucus)
  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness
  • Complications

    Shigellosis can cause serious and life-threatening complications in some cases, including dehydration, renal failure, shock, and seizures. Long-term effects may include an increased risk of developing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and reactive arthritis, a type of arthritis triggered by an infection.


    Shigellosis is preventable. Examples of preventive measures include:

  • Practicing good hygiene, such as washing hands after using the restroom and before handling food
  • Making sure that food is cooked thoroughly and is not contaminated
  • Consuming only clean, safe drinking water
  • Avoiding contact with persons who are infected, especially children
  • Practicing safe sex