Recurrent Vaginal Infections

What are Recurrent Vaginal Infections?

Recurrent vaginal infections are a recurring infection of the vagina that affects a woman over a period of time. It is characterized by itching, burning, and discharge from the vagina. Some causes include bacterial, yeast, and parasitic infections, and may be related to the use of certain products, such as sexual lubricants.

Causes of Recurrent Vaginal Infections

  • Bacterial Vaginosis: Bacterial vaginosis is a very common type of vaginal infection caused by an overgrowth of bacteria. Symptoms include an excess of vaginal discharge that often has a bad odor.
  • Trichomoniasis: Trichomoniasis is an infection caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It is often associated with itching and soreness of the vagina.
  • Yeast Infections: Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. Symptoms include itching, burning, and thick white discharge that feels like cottage cheese.
  • Chlamydia: Chlamydia is an infectious bacterial disease that can be passed from one person to another through sexual contact. Symptoms include a burning sensation when urinating, an abnormal discharge from the vagina, and pain in the pelvic area.
  • Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea is an infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Symptoms include a burning sensation when urinating, an abnormal discharge from the vagina, and pain in the pelvic area.

Treatment and Prevention of Recurrent Vaginal Infections

Treatments for recurrent vaginal infections will depend on the cause of the infection. Treatments may include antibiotics, antifungal medications, or other treatments. It is important to speak to a doctor to determine the best treatment for each type of infection.

Preventing recurrent vaginal infections may include keeping the vagina clean, avoiding douching, using condoms during sexual activity, and avoiding the use of certain products such as lubricants.