Prophylaxis of Aspergillus infection

Prophylaxis of Aspergillus Infection

Aspergillus is a common type of fungus most commonly found in the environment. Aspergillus can cause serious infections in people with weakened immune systems, such as those undergoing chemotherapy, transplant recipients, and people with HIV. These types of serious infections can be difficult to treat and potentially life-threatening. Therefore, it is important to take steps to prevent Aspergillus infections.

There are several measures that can be taken to lower the risk of Aspergillus infection:

  • Stay Away from Contaminated Areas: Aspergillus spores can be found in the air, soil, and even on animals, so it is important to avoid exposure to these areas. Clothing and shoes reinforced with a plastic coating, such as rain boots, can also help protect against soil-borne spores.
  • Practice Good Hand Hygiene: It is important to wash your hands regularly with soap and water and to avoid touching potentially contaminated surfaces with hands or bare feet.
  • Avoid Extended Contact With Pets: Pet fur can accumulate dust and other particles that may contain Aspergillus spores. Therefore, it is best to minimize contact with pets, preferrably avoiding their fur altogether.
  • Avoid Walking on High Grass: Aspergillus spores can accumulate in the soil of high grass. To minimize potential exposure, it is best to avoid contact with overgrown lawns and fields.
  • Limit Exposure To Moldy Areas: Many types of molds, including Aspergillus, can grow on wet surfaces and materials. These molds can release spores into the air. To reduce potential exposure to Aspergillus spores, it is best to avoid contact with damp or visibly moldy areas.
  • Use a HEPA Filter: High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters can help reduce Aspergillus spores in indoor air by trapping particles in the filter. It is best to clean and/or replace the filter regularly.
  • Stay Up-To-Date on Vaccines: Vaccines are available to protect against certain Aspergillus strains. It is important to stay up-to-date on your vaccinations, as this can help lower the risk of infection.

These measures can help to protect people from Aspergillus infection. If you have a weakened immune system, however, it is important to take extra precautions, as you have an increased risk of infection. Speak to your doctor to find out what measures you should take to reduce your risk.