Primary Neuroblastomas

What is Primary Neuroblastoma?

Primary Neuroblastoma (PNB) is a rare type of cancer that affects the nerve cells of infants, teens, and young adults. It is mainly found in the adrenal glands and is the most common solid cancer in children. Early diagnosis and treatment are paramount for successful treatment and survival.

Symptoms & Diagnosis of Primary Neuroblastoma

The most common symptom is a large abdominal mass that causes significant pain. Other symptoms include fever, weight loss, bone pain, darkened skin patches, increased appetite and difficulty walking. Blood tests and imaging scans are used to diagnose PNB.

Treatment & Prognosis

Treatment options for PNB include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and stem-cell transplant. Surgery is the first step, followed by radiation and/or chemotherapy. The prognosis for individuals with PNB depends on the age of the patient, the stage of the cancer, the response to therapy, and the presence of genetic markers.


The primary complications associated with PNB are damage to developing organs, toxicity from treatments, and an increased risk for secondary malignancies. Long-term complications may include cognitive delays, fertility issues, and cardiac and neurological problems.


There is no guaranteed method of preventing PNB, but it is important to be aware of the symptoms and seek medical attention promptly if they occur. Regular screenings and genetic testing may be recommended for individuals with a family history of PNB.