Predominant skin comedones

What are Predominant Skin Comedones

Comedones, also known as whiteheads and blackheads, are a common skin problem that can occur in everyone, from adults to adolescents. Comedones mostly form on the forehead and chin, but they can be seen on other areas of the face, back, chest and even upper arm. The most common type of comedone is known as a predominant skin comedone. These comedones form when the plug of oil and skin cells become blocked, resulting in a buildup of whiteheads and blackheads on the skin.

Whiteheads occur when the pore becomes completely plugged. This causes the buildup of bacteria, oil and skin cells, resulting in a raised, round bump on the skin. Blackheads occur when the plug of oil and skin cells sits at the surface, making it partially open to the air. This causes it to turn black from oxidation. These lesions are not contagious but can be annoying and embarrassing to deal with.

Causes of Predominant Skin Comedones

Predominant skin comedones are caused by several factors, including:

  • Hormone imbalances, as seen during adolescence and menopause
  • Excessively oily skin, as seen with oily skin types and humid climates
  • Certain medications, as seen with topical corticosteroids
  • Certain product ingredients, such as those found in comedogenic skin care
  • Improper cleansing and exfoliation
  • Stress levels

Treatment of Predominant Skin Comedones

If you are someone who is dealing with predominant skin comedones, there are several ways to treat them. The most important thing is to have a proper skin care regime that is tailored to your skin type and concerns. Some of the best ways to deal with comedones are:

  • Gently cleanse the skin every day with a gentle cleanser.
  • Use an oil-free moisturizer, as oil-based products can block pores and lead to more comedones.
  • Exfoliate regularly with a gentle scrub to help unblock congested pores.
  • Apply a topical retinoid or salicylic acid several nights a week to help speed up cell turnover and reduce the buildup of comedones.
  • If needed, speak to your doctor about oral medications such as antibiotics or isotretinoin.


Predominant skin comedones are a common and annoying skin concern. The key to managing them is to have a proper skin care routine and to exfoliate regularly. If you find yourself dealing with persistent comedones, speak to your doctor about possible treatments.