Ocular injuries

Ocular Injuries

Ocular injuries are when an individual experiences an injury to the eye. Ocular injuries can range from mild to severe cases, and the severity of the injury can depend on the cause, location, and type of injury. Ocular injuries can occur from accidental falls, mechanical trauma (e.g. fireworks, metal chips entering eye), physical contact (such as fists blows), sports injuries, chemical spills, laser surgery, and improper use of a hand-held object.

Common ocular injuries include:

  • Corneal abrasions or scratches
  • Foreign body penetration
  • Retinal tears or detachments
  • Significant eye trauma
  • Hyphaema (bleeding in the eye)
  • Subluxation of the lens
  • Uveitis or inflammation inside the eye
  • Cataract or clouding of the eye

It is important to get prompt and appropriate medical attention to any ocular injury. Treatment for ocular injuries depend on the type and location of the injury, as well as its severity, and can range from simple first aid such as avoiding rubbing the eye and using cool compresses, to more complex treatment such as antibiotics, surgery, or laser therapy.

To best reduce the risk for ocular injury, it is important to use appropriate protective eyewear when engaging in activities such as sports or hazardous tasks. Additionally, it is also important to follow up with an ophthalmologist or optometrist to have your eyes checked regularly, and report any blinking, excessive redness, vision changes, or pain in the eye promptly.