NTRK2 Fusion Positive

NTRK2 Fusion Positive: What is it?

NTRK2 fusion positive is an oncogenic driver that leads to excessive production of the active, oncogenic form of Trk-2, a receptor tyrosine kinase. Mutations in the oncogenic NTRK2 gene can result in an increased rate of cell replication and tissue growth, leading to cancer.

The NTRK2 gene is transcribed to create several proteins that are active in the Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK/ERK) pathway, which is responsible for cell cycle control and cell survival. When an NTRK2 mutation is present, this pathway becomes activated, resulting in uncontrolled cellular growth.

What are the Symptoms of NTRK2 Fusion Positive?

The symptoms of NTRK2 fusion positive can vary depending on the type of cancer. Common symptoms of NTRK2 fusion positive include:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Pain in the chest or abdomen
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Blood in the urine or stool

These symptoms may indicate the presence of NTRK2 fusion positive, but should not be used as a substitute for proper medical diagnosis.

What is the Treatment for NTRK2 Fusion Positive?

The treatment for NTRK2 fusion positive depends on the type of cancer and the stage of the disease. Treatments may include:

  • Surgery to remove the cancerous tissue
  • Chemotherapy to destroy cancer cells
  • Radiation therapy to shrink tumors
  • Targeted drugs to block the NTRK2 mutation
  • Immunotherapy to enhance the body’s immune response to cancer

In addition, lifestyle changes may be recommended to help manage the condition.


NTRK2 fusion positive is an oncogenic driver associated with certain cancers. Symptoms may vary depending on the type of cancer, and treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, targeted drugs, or immunotherapy. It is important to speak to a doctor to determine the best treatment plan for each individual.