Moderate Gingivitis

What is Moderate Gingivitis?

Moderate gingivitis is a mild to moderate form of gum disease. It is a common condition that can affect anyone, but is especially common in people with poor oral hygiene. It is caused by plaque buildup along the gum line, which leads to the swelling and inflammation of the gums. Left untreated, moderate gingivitis can lead to more serious diseases, such as periodontal disease.

What Causes Moderate Gingivitis?

Poor oral hygiene is the primary cause of moderate gingivitis. Plaque is an invisible layer of bacteria on your teeth. If you do not brush and floss regularly, the plaque starts to accumulate and can cause your gums to become swollen and irritated. Other factors that can contribute to moderate gingivitis include smoking, hormonal changes, certain medications, diabetes, and some systemic diseases.

Symptoms of Moderate Gingivitis

  • Swollen, tender, and red gums
  • Gums that bleed easily, especially when brushing
  • Bad breath
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Receding gums, which can make your teeth look longer

Treatment and Prevention of Moderate Gingivitis

Treating moderate gingivitis means getting rid of the plaque that is causing the problem. To do this, your dentist or hygienist will recommend a professional cleaning and, depending on the severity of the gum infection, may also prescribe an antibiotic rinse. Regular brushing and flossing are important for preventing gingivitis, as well as avoiding smoking and seeing your dentist for periodic cleanings.


Moderate gingivitis is a mild to moderate form of gum disease that is caused by plaque buildup. It is important to recognize and treat moderate gingivitis in order to prevent it from progressing into a more serious condition. Treatment usually involves professional teeth cleaning and sometimes an antibiotic rinse, as well as regular brushing and flossing.