Meningoencephalitic stage Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection

Meningoencephalitic Stage Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Infection

Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection is a protozoan disease caused by trypanosome parasites. It is endemic in Central and West Africa and is one of the most severe and debilitating forms of sleeping sickness. The infection is named after the two stages of the disease-weaponized and meningoencephalitic-with the latter being the most severe. In this stage, the infection affects the central nervous system.

The meningoencephalitic stage is caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (T.b. gambiense), which is one of three subspecies of trypanosomes that cause trypanosomiasis. It is generally transmitted through an infected deerfly bite. The symptoms of meningoencephalitic trypanosomiasis are generally more severe than those of the weaponized stage. In this stage, the infection has progressed to the central nervous system and can cause seizures, confusion, or even death if not treated. It may also cause paralysis, coma, and other neurological symptoms.

  • The parasites can be diagnosed using microscopy or serology tests.
  • The treatment for meningoencephalitic stage of trypanosomiasis is typically done with anti-parasitic drugs or a combination of drugs.
  • Prevention can be done through controlling the vector of the disease which is an infected deerfly or treating the domestic and wild animal reservoir of the parasite.
  • Education can help reduce rates of transmission by informing individuals of the spread of the disease, its symptoms, and how to prevent it.

If left untreated, meningoencephalitic stage trypanosomiasis can be fatal. Therefore, prompt diagnosis and treatment with effective drugs are essential to providing an optimal outcome for patients.