At-Home Medical Tests

At-Home Medical Tests

At-home medical tests provide convenience and let you take a more active role in managing your healthcare. With these tests, you take the sample needed for analysis yourself and send it away for analysis. Once testing is complete, you are able to view the results online.


Before getting one of these tests, it’s important to thoroughly research and understand the process of at-home medical tests. Learn about the sample collection, preparation, shipping, and test results. Talk to your healthcare provider about the available tests, which are best for you, and what’s necessary to guarantee accurate test results.

How to Take At-Home Medical Tests

  • Purchase an at-home medical test.
  • Follow instructions carefully to collect and prepare your sample.
  • Send your sample to the lab using the provided pre-paid shipping label.
  • The lab will analyze your sample and provide you with results online.

Types of At-Home Medical Tests

At-home health tests are available for a variety of purposes. These tests are usually done when there is no need for the physical presence of a healthcare provider. At-home medical tests are currently available for:

  • Cholesterol
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Infections
  • Menopause
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Thyroid imbalances
  • Pregnancy*


At-home medical tests are considered safe, but it’s important to remember that any sample collected outside a lab could potentially be compromised in some way. For accuracy and peace of mind, always speak to your healthcare provider about diagnosis and testing.

Why At-Home Medical Tests?

  • Convenience and privacy
  • Swift countermeasures in case of potential infection
  • Take an extra step in preventive healthcare

When to Take At-Home Medical Tests?

At-home medical tests are not designed to diagnose a medical condition, but they may be used to monitor a medical condition you’re already aware of. These tests should be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider, and it’s recommended to consult with your doctor before pursuing any course of treatment.

On the other hand, at-home medical tests can be a great tool in monitoring conditions and taking personal responsibility for health. Remember, take the time to research and consider all available options prior to investing in an at-home medical test.