
What is Diffuse?

Diffuse is a type of graphic design technique that involves manipulating blocks of color or pattern to create a textured, smooth, and flat effect. This technique, also referred to as “diffusion,” is popularly used in print and digital media, particularly in advertising, fashion, and web design. By blending areas of color or blending elements on a page, diffusing elements can create an interesting abstract aesthetic.

Advantages of Diffuse

  • Creates visually stimulating designs from plain-looking elements
  • Gives off a modern, professional look
  • Can be used to add subtle accents to a design
  • Easy to apply to existing artwork
  • Allows for experimentation and exploration of various design techniques
  • Can add depth to a design
  • Can be used in both print and digital media

Drawbacks of Diffuse

  • Can be complicated to master
  • Requires time-consuming trial and error
  • Can easily turn into a mess if not used properly
  • Is difficult to perfectly replicate with digital tools