Damaged skin

Damaged Skin: Tips to Help You Feel and Look Your Best

The truth is that our skin will inevitably be subject to some damage due to aging and environmental factors. Sun exposure, stress, a bad diet, and dehydration can all cause our skin to suffer. While prevention is always the best course of action, it’s important to know how to address skin damage once it has occurred.

Specific Types of Damage:

The types of skin damage can range from temporary irritation to an actually visible signs of aging. It is important to know the difference in severity of these issues and how to properly address them:

  • Discoloration: This can be as simple as dark spots from sun damage or redness from environmental irritants.
  • Fine Lines: This is the beginning of the wrinkles and is usually the earliest sign of aging.
  • Wrinkles: This more drastic form of aging is typically caused by years of exposure to environmental influences.
  • Elasticity Loss: This is when overall loss of firmness is visible on the face.

Treating Damaged Skin:

When treating already damaged skin, it is important to avoid treatments that are too harsh and may damage the skin further. Here are several recommended home treatments that don’t involve harsh chemicals or abrasive treatments and will help keep your skin looking its best:

  • Stay Hydrated: The importance of drinking plenty of water cannot be overstated. Keeping the skin hydrated helps keep it looking firm and healthy.
  • Exfoliate: This helps keep the skin clear of any dead skin cells, allowing products to better penetrate and work more effectively. Also don’t forget to gently cleanse the face twice a day.
  • Use Moisturizer: Select a moisturizer that is formulated for your skin type. This is important for providing the skin with necessary nutrients and moisture.
  • Sun Protection: This should always be a vital part of your skin care routine. Use a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher every day, even if you are planning to spend very little time outside.

Put these simple steps into practice and you will see the benefits these lead to in no time at all. Not only will you be able to treat damaged skin, but you’ll be taking steps to prevent it from occurring in the future.