Anal eczema

What is Anal Eczema?

Anal eczema, also known as pruritus ani, is a common condition that causes itching, redness, and irritation of the skin around the anus. It is most commonly caused by too much moisture in the area or due to irritated skin caused by cleaning too harshly or frequently. In some cases, it can also be caused by a fungal or bacterial infection.

Symptoms of Anal Eczema

Common symptoms of anal eczema include:

  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Burning sensation
  • Redness
  • Thickened skin
  • Blisters
  • Bleeding

What Causes Anal Eczema?

The exact cause of anal eczema is unknown, but there are several factors that may increase the risk of developing the condition. Possible causes include:

  • Friction or rubbing of the area due to tight-fitting underwear or clothing
  • Fungal or bacterial infection
  • Allergens such as dyes, fragrances, soaps, toilet paper, and detergents
  • Cleaning the area too often or too harshly
  • Excessive skin moisture due to prolonged sitting, perspiration, incontinence, or sexual activity

Risk Factors

Several factors can increase the risk of developing anal eczema, such as:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Having an underlying health condition such as diabetes, kidney disease, or HIV
  • Using topical medications or ointments for other skin conditions
  • Being a woman
  • Using biological laundry detergent
  • Having an elderly parent