Complex Partial Seizures

Complex Partial Seizures – The Basics

A complex partial seizure, also known as a psychomotor or focal impaired awareness seizure, is a type of seizure that affects a person’s awareness. It is typically characterized by an impairment of awareness during the seizure, as well as a change in the person’s behavior. The person may seem confused, or may make repetitive movements, or may not respond to stimuli. It is important to note that the person does not lose consciousness during a complex partial seizure.

Complex partial seizures can occur in any part of the brain; however, they are most commonly associated with temporal lobe epilepsy, which is a type of epilepsy that involves seizures of the temporal lobe. Complex partial seizures can also be triggered by environmental factors, such as stress or sleep deprivation.

Symptoms of complex partial seizures can vary depending on the part of the brain that is affected. Some common symptoms include:

  • Uncontrollable jerking or twitching of the body
  • A staring spell
  • Lip smacking, chewing, or fumbling movements
  • Unusual behavior, such as laughing, crying, or making noises
  • Confused or disoriented behavior
  • Rambling or nonsensical speech
  • Difficulty understanding or responding to verbal instructions

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible as complex partial seizures can be serious. In some cases, complex partial seizures can lead to more serious conditions, such as status epilepticus, which can be life-threatening.

Treatment for complex partial seizures usually involves anti-epileptic medication, as well as lifestyle modifications, such as stress management and adequate sleep. In some cases, surgery may be recommended if anti-epileptic medications are not effective.