Bronchial irritation

What is Bronchial Irritation?

Bronchial irritation is an infection of the small airways in the lungs, often called bronchi, which is caused by a variety of factors. This condition can cause difficulty in breathing, coughing, chest tightness, and wheezing. Additionally, bronchial irritation can cause inflammation of the lungs, resulting in lung scarring and breathing problems.

Bronchial irritation usually affects adults, but it can also affect children. Common risk factors for bronchial irritation include smoking, environmental pollutants, seasonal allergies, wood smoke, and poor indoor air quality.

Symptoms of Bronchial Irritation

Common symptoms of bronchial irritation include:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness or pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Excess mucus in the throat

Treatment of Bronchial Irritation

Treatment for bronchial irritation typically depends on the underlying cause. Treatment may include:

  • Inhalers and bronchodilators to open the airways and ease breathing.
  • Steroid medications to reduce inflammation.
  • Antibiotics, if the cause is an infection.
  • Avoiding exposure to irritants, such as smoke, pollen, dust, chemicals, and dusty areas.

Prevention of Bronchial Irritation

It is important to take preventative measures to avoid bronchial irritation. Some ways to prevent bronchial irritation include:

  • Avoiding environmental pollutants and smoking.
  • Regularly cleaning indoor air.
  • Cleaning and changing furnace and air conditioner filters.
  • Avoiding asthma triggers such as pollen, dust, pet dander, and mold.

If bronchial irritation is caused by seasonal allergies, allergy testing and immunotherapy (allergy shots) may be recommended.