Acquired Coagulation Factor Deficiency

What is Acquired Coagulation Factor Deficiency?

Acquired Coagulation Factor Deficiency is a condition where the body doesn't have enough of certain natural blood-clotting proteins, which are collectively known as coagulation factors. These proteins help the blood form clots to stop hemorrhaging and keep an individual from bleeding excessively. Without enough of these proteins, a person experiences unusual and excessive bleeding.

The condition can be caused by a variety of diseases, medications, genetic abnormalities, or other conditions. In rare cases, the cause is unknown.


The most common symptoms of Acquired Coagulation Factor Deficiency are frequent Nosebleeds, Excessive Bleeding from Cuts, Bruising Easily, and Spontaneous Bleeding from Gums, Urethra, or Rectum.

Risk Factors

The risk factors for Acquired Coagulation Factor Deficiency include:

  • Certain Medicines - such as warfarin, heparin, aspirin, clopidogrel, pentoxifylline, and ibuprofen.
  • Health Conditions – such as leukemia, lymphoma, and liver disorders.
  • Vitamin K Deficiency
  • Genetic Disorders – such as hemophilia and Von Willebrand disease.
  • Infections – such as bacteria, parasites, or viruses.
  • Exposure to Toxins – such as lead and other heavy metals.
  • Pregnancy with Multiple Babies – this increases the risk of clotting problems in the mother and the newborns.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis of Acquired Coagulation Factor Deficiency can often be made through blood tests that measure clotting times. Treatment varies based on the cause of the factor deficiency and can include blood transfusions, vitamin K supplementation, medications to promote clotting, chemotherapy, and replacement of missing clotting factors with blood products.