Fibrinogen blood test

What is a Fibrinogen Blood Test?

A fibrinogen blood test measures the amount of a specific protein in the body called fibrinogen. Fibrinogen is produced in the liver and it plays an essential role in the clotting of blood. A health care practitioner may order this test when a patient is showing any signs of an excess of, or a deficiency of, fibrinogen, such as bleeding or clotting problems.

Preparation for a Fibrinogen Blood Test

No fasting or preparation is required for this kind of test. The patient should just arrive at the lab with nothing to eat or drink for a few hours prior to the test.

Types of Fibrinogen Tests

  • Quantitative Fibrinogen Test – This test provides the amount of fibrinogen found in the blood.
  • Functional Fibrinogen Test – This measures the ability of fibrinogen to clot, which can indicate issues with clotting such as hemostasis.

Risks of a Fibrinogen Blood Test

There is no risk involved with having a fibrinogen test. The test is quick and painless.

Why is a Fibrinogen Test Ordered?

A fibrinogen test is commonly ordered to see if a person is suffering from bleeding disorders, or clotting disorders. Also, if a person has a recent trauma, including surgery, the health care practitioner may want to get a fibrinogen test done to ensure there are no issues with the clotting process.

When is a Fibrinogen Test Ordered?

A health care practitioner may order a fibrinogen test if a patient has any of the following symptoms:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Unexpected clotting in the blood
  • Signs or symptoms of a bleeding disorder
  • Signs or symptoms of a clotting disorder

Interpreting the Results of a Fibrinogen Test

The results of a fibrinogen test will usually show either a high or low level, which can indicate a potential issue. A high fibrinogen level can indicate a clotting disorder in which the body is forming too many clots. A low fibrinogen level can indicate a bleeding disorder in which the body isn’t forming enough clots. In both cases, further testing may be required to confirm the diagnosis.