Wound treatment

Wound Treatment

Wounds, from minor cuts and scrapes to serious gashes, bleeds and burns, require medical attention to ensure proper healing. The goal of wound treatment is to close the wound and prevent the spread of infection. To successfully treat wounds, proper cleaning, wound evaluation and selection of wound care products are necessary.

Steps for Wound Treatment

  • Clean the wound: Clean the wound with warm water and mild soap. Use caution not to scrub or damage the wound during the cleaning process. Distilled or sterile water may be used to lessen the chance of introducing bacteria into the wound.
  • Stop Bleeding: Cover the wound with a clean cloth or sterile dressing and apply pressure until bleeding stops.
  • Evaluate the wound: Determine the type and size of the wound. Residue from facial tissue or gauze may remain in the wound and can cause infection. Do not remove these particles as they may help form a protective scab.
  • Treat the wound: Choose a wound care product based on the type and size of the wound. A number of products are available for wound care including antiseptic solutions, hydrogel, foam, film, and dressing.
  • Dress the wound: Place a sterile dressing over the wound, ensuring it is sealed and secure to prevent contact with the outside environment which may introduce infection. Change the dressing every few days, or as often as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

With proper wound treatment, proper healing is possible. Be sure to seek medical attention if the wound is deep, if bleeding is heavy or doesn't stop, or there is foreign material embedded in your wound.