Viral warts

What Causes Viral Warts?

Viral warts, also known as verruca, are caused by an infection with a specific type of virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus is very contagious and can be spread through direct contact with a person or an object that has the virus. Common areas where warts can appear are the hands, feet, and face.

How Does the Virus Spread?

HPV is commonly spread through contact with infected people or objects. The viruses can remain active on a surface for weeks or even months if they aren’t removed. As such, it’s easy for a person to become infected if they come in contact with an object that is contaminated with HPV or by touching a person with warts. It is also possible for a person to spread the virus to themselves if they touch their own body after coming in contact with the virus.

Can I Prevent Having Viral Warts?

The best way to prevent viral warts is to avoid contact with any infected person or object. Wash your hands often and avoid sharing personal items such as towels, razors, or nail clippers. If you have warts, it is important to cover them with a bandage and to avoid scratching or picking at them to prevent the spread of the virus.

What Are the Symptoms?

Viral warts often appear as small, rough bumps on the skin. They are usually skin-colored or white, but they can also be pink, light brown, or dark brown. They can sometimes be itchy or painful, depending on their location. Some warts may have small black dots in them, which are tiny clotted blood vessels.

Treatment Options for Viral Warts

Treating viral warts depends on the type, size, and location of the warts. Treatment options can include:

  • Over-the-counter creams and ointments
  • Cryotherapy (freezing off the wart)
  • Prescription medications
  • Laser therapy
  • Electrosurgery (burning off the wart)

In some cases, the warts may go away without any treatment. However, this is not always the case, and individuals may need to seek medical help for successful treatment.

Viral warts can be irritating and uncomfortable. It is important for individuals to practice good hygiene and preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection and spread of the virus.