Uncomplicated Cystitis

What Is Uncomplicated Cystitis?

Uncomplicated cystitis is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI) that primarily affects the bladder. This is the most common type of UTI, and is usually caused by bacteria entering the urinary system via the urethra.

Symptoms of uncomplicated cystitis typically include a frequent and strong urge to urinate, difficulty urinating, a burning sensation when urinating, and cloudy urine. Pain in the lower abdomen is also common.

In most cases, uncomplicated cystitis can be treated with antibiotics. Pain relief and proper hydration may also be recommended. It is important to finish the entire course of antibiotics prescribed by your doctor to ensure that all the bacteria are killed.

Risk Factors

Anyone can develop uncomplicated cystitis, but some factors increase the risk. These factors include:

  • Sexual activity
  • Regular use of spermicides
  • Using diaphragms for contraception
  • Pregnancy
  • Having a history of urinary tract infections
  • Being a woman


If left untreated, uncomplicated cystitis can progress into more serious complications, such as a kidney infection. In addition, recurrent UTIs can lead to structural issues in the bladder, kidneys, and urethra.


To reduce the risk of uncomplicated cystitis, it is important to practice good hygiene and take preventative steps. These include:

  • Urinating immediately after intercourse
  • Staying hydrated
  • Wiping from front to back after going to the bathroom

In addition, drinking cranberry juice or taking a cranberry supplement may help to prevent UTIs.