Testicular failure

What is Testicular Failure?

Testicular failure is a condition in which the testes no longer produce testosterone and other male hormones, typically due to age, injury, genetics, chemotherapy or radiation. This condition is also referred to as hypogonadism. When testicular failure occurs, the body cannot produce enough testosterone to maintain normal development or male reproductive function.

Cause of Testicular Failure

The cause of testicular failure can vary. Testosterone is produced in the testes, and any physical damage or trauma to the testicles can lead to testicular failure. Other causes can include:

  • Age-Related Condition – Testicles gradually lose the ability to produce testosterone as men grow older.
  • Injury – A sudden trauma to the testicles can cause testicular failure.
  • Infections – Certain bacteria can cause infection that damage the testicles and cause testicular failure.
  • Cancer or Chemotherapy / Radiation Treatment – Testicle damage can result from these treatments.
  • Genetic Abnormality – Some genetic conditions can affect the testicles’ ability to produce the necessary hormones.

Symptoms of Testicular Failure

The symptoms associated with testicular failure include:

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased body and facial hair
  • Lack of concentration and memory problems
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Depression
  • Gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts)
  • Hot flashes
  • Low sperm count

Diagnosis and Treatment of Testicular Failure

Testicular failure is diagnosed through a physical examination and blood tests to measure the levels of hormones in the body. Tests may also be done to look for signs of a tumor, infection or other condition that could be causing the failure.

The treatment for testicular failure depends on the cause. Options can range from medications to replace the hormones to surgery to remove the damaged testicle.