Superficial Fungal skin infection


Superficial Fungal Skin Infection

Superficial fungal skin infections, also known as dermatophytoses, are caused by a variety of fungal species including: Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, and Microsporum. These infections are usually highly contagious and are often spread through direct contact or by sharing items such as clothing, towels, and bedding. The characteristic symptom of a shallow fungal skin infection is a red rash which may be scaly, itchy, and/or raised.

Signs and Symptoms of Superficial Fungal Skin Infections

The most common sign of a superficial fungal skin infection is a red rash with the following features:

  • Raised red patches (plaque) or round spots
  • Small raised bumps (papules)
  • Blisters (vesicles)
  • Itching and burning
  • Scaling and flaking of the skin
  • Cracking, oozing, and/or crusting of the skin

Types of Superficial Fungal Skin Infections

Superficial fungal skin infections can be divided into two main categories, according to the type of fungus causing the infection:

  • Dermatophytosis: Also known as ringworm, this type of superficial fungal skin infection is caused by fungi from the genera Trichophyton and Microsporum. It can present as a red, scaly, raised rash.
  • Yeast infections: Yeast infections, including those caused by Candida, are a type of superficial fungal skin infection. They are usually red, itchy, and may have a distinct smell.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Superficial Fungal Skin Infections

If you think you have a superficial fungal skin infection, it is important to seek medical advice. Your doctor will be able to diagnose the infection and advise on treatment options.

Treatments for superficial fungal skin infections can include topical antifungal creams, ointments, or oral medications. It is important to follow your doctor’s advice on how to apply the medication and for how long to use it. In some cases, the infection may require more than one type of medication.

It is also important to take the necessary steps to prevent the infection from spreading. This includes avoiding contact with affected areas, not sharing clothing, bedding, or towels, and washing your hands before and after applying the medication.