Severe Plaque psoriasis

What is Severe Plaque Psoriasis?

Severe Plaque Psoriasis is a common form of psoriasis, an immune system disorder. It is characterized by red, scaly patches of skin. These plaques can occur anywhere on the body, but most commonly develop on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back.

Apart from the appearance of these plaques, other symptoms of severe plaque psoriasis can include burning or itching skin, and crusting or cracking of the skin. The symptoms of severe plaque psoriasis can vary from person to person.

Causes of Severe Plaque Psoriasis

The exact cause of severe plaque psoriasis is unknown. It is thought to be the result of an overactive immune system. The body mistakes healthy cells for foreign bodies and attacks them. This causes inflammation and the development of these red, scaly plaques.

Treatments for Severe Plaque Psoriasis

Treatments for severe plaque psoriasis can include:

  • Topical creams or ointments – these can help reduce inflammation and itching
  • Steroid injections – these injections reduce inflammation and can help prevent plaques from forming
  • Light therapy – a form of ultraviolet light can be used in order to reduce the inflammation
  • Oral medications – these medications could reduce inflammation or alter the body's immune response
  • Biologics – these are forms of injectable medication that target specific parts of the immune system

These treatments can help to reduce the symptoms of severe plaque psoriasis, but it is important to follow the advice of your doctor and stick to the prescribed treatments in order to get the best results.