
What Are Rhytides?

A rhytide, also known as a wrinkle or groove, is a furrow or groove in the skin that is caused by aging. Rhytides can be shallow or deep and often appear on the face, neck, hands, and other body parts.

Rhytides form as a result of the breakdown of the skin’s collagen and elastin, two proteins responsible for maintaining the skin’s elasticity and keeping it looking smooth. As we age, our body produces less of these proteins, leading to wrinkles.

Rhytides can be caused by other factors in addition to aging. These include sun exposure, smoking, sleep deprivation, stress, and facial movements. Additionally, genetic factors can play a role in how quickly rhytides appear.

How Are Rhytides Treated?

There are a variety of treatments available to reduce the appearance of rhytides. These include:

  • Topical creams and lotions
  • Injections of dermal fillers
  • Anti-wrinkle injections
  • Laser resurfacing
  • Chemical peeling

These treatments can provide temporary results, though more invasive treatments may provide long-term benefits. Additionally, lifestyle changes like avoiding direct sun exposure and avoiding smoking can also help reduce the appearance of rhytides.


Rhytides are wrinkles or grooves that form due to aging and other lifestyle habits. While they can’t be prevented, several treatments are available that can reduce their appearance. Making lifestyle changes like wearing sunscreen and avoiding smoking can also help.