Refractory Breast cancer

What Is Refractory Breast Cancer

Refractory breast cancer is a type of cancer that is resistant to current treatments and has a very poor prognosis. It is estimated that up to 25-30% of all breast cancer cases are refractory. This form of aggressive breast cancer is characterized by a lack of response to treatments that are typically successful in removing or greatly reducing the size of the tumor. Those living with the condition are at a higher risk of a recurrence even after surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted therapy.

What Causes Refractory Breast Cancer?

Experts are not yet certain what causes refractory breast cancer, but it is thought to be the result of several factors. Cancer cells can develop mutations to be resistant to certain treatments, and that could lead to refractory breast cancer. Additionally, the environment in which a tumor grows can be the cause of refractory breast cancer. In a tumor that has spread to the liver, the type of environment could make it difficult for the body to break down certain medicines, making them ineffective.

Diagnosing Refractory Breast Cancer

In order to diagnose refractory breast cancer, several tests and evaluations need to be done. These include a physical exam, full blood count, biopsy, imaging tests, and genetic tests. A doctor may also order additional tests or refer the patient to a specialist for further evaluation.

Treatment for Refractory Breast Cancer

There are several treatments that may be used to help manage refractory breast cancer, depending on the type and stage of the cancer. Options can include:

  • Targeted therapies: such as monoclonal antibodies, which attaches itself to breast cancer cells and can prevent them from growing.
  • Hormone therapies: which can block the hormones that fuel cancer cell growth and division.
  • Immunotherapy: which boosts the immune system to attack the breast cancer.
  • Focused radiation therapy: which targets the cancer tumor with high-intensity beams of X-ray.
  • Chemotherapy: which uses chemical drugs to kill the cancer cells.

Living with Refractory Breast Cancer

Living with refractory breast cancer is difficult, but there are strategies and resources available to help manage the condition. Moving forward with treatments such as this can be both physically and emotionally challenging, so it’s important to talk to your doctor or healthcare team about any questions or concerns you may have. Additionally, many people find it helpful to discuss their experience with a cancer support group or digital community.