Pruritus Ani

What is Pruritus Ani?

Pruritus ani is a medical term used to describe a persistent (chronic) itching or burning sensation of the skin around the anus. This condition is very common and can cause great discomfort. Pruritus ani typically worsens at night and after bowel movements and can be caused by a variety of factors.

Causes of Pruritus Ani

The exact cause of pruritus ani is often difficult to determine. Many patients have more than one factor contributing to their symptoms. Common causes of pruritus ani include:

  • Excess moisture in the anal area
  • Skin irritation from chemicals found in soaps, bubble baths, and douches
  • Skin conditions, such as psoriasis and fungal infections
  • Allergies to certain foods
  • Reaction to certain medications
  • Bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
  • Anal fistulas, anal fissures, or hemorrhoids

Treatment of Pruritus Ani

Treatment for pruritus ani depends on the underlying cause. Common treatments for pruritus ani include:

  • Cleaning the anal area with warm water after a bowel movement and drying the area thoroughly
  • Using over-the-counter Hydrocortisone cream or ointment to reduce inflammation
  • Using moisture-absorbing products in the anal area
  • Taking oral antihistamines to treat allergic dermatitis
  • Wearing cotton or breathable underwear
  • Avoiding using perfumed toilet paper, soaps, and other products in the anal area
  • Adding anti-itch creams, gels, and ointments to the anal area

If pruritus ani persists despite self-care measures, your doctor may prescribe topical medications, such as steroids or anti-fungal creams. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a biopsy of the affected skin to confirm the diagnosis.