Metastatic lung origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors

Metastatic Lung Origin Progressive Neuroendocrine Tumors (MPLN)

Metastatic lung origin progressive neuroendocrine tumors (MPLN) are a class of rare tumors that arise from the tissues of the central nervous system in the lungs. These tumors can be found in different parts of the body and cause different symptoms. This type of cancer is typically found in late-stage lung cancer patients, but can be found in earlier stages as well.

MPLN is most commonly caused by cells that originate in lung tissues, but can also come from tumors in other organs. These tumors progress slowly and may not cause symptoms until they have become quite large. It is not uncommon for this type of tumor to spread to other organs and tissues in the body.

The treatment for MPLN is generally focused on treating the symptoms caused by the tumor and the areas where it has spread. This may include chemotherapy, radiation, or even surgery. In some cases, a combination of treatments is used to achieve the best results.

Symptoms of MPLN may include weight loss, fatigue, difficulty breathing, pain or tightness in the chest, coughing, and coughing up blood. It is important to see a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms or if you notice any changes in your breathing or if you feel chest pain when you are exercising.


MPLN is usually diagnosed through an imaging test such as a CT scan or MRI. Blood tests may also be done to detect tumor markers and to assess the amount of tumor burden. A biopsy may also be done to confirm the diagnosis.


The prognosis for MPLN is generally good. Over a long period of time, the tumor typically remains stable and may even shrink in some cases. The tumors can be treated and managed, and the prognosis depends on how far the tumor has spread and if it has affected other organs.


There is no way to prevent MPLN, but it can be managed through early detection, treatment, and lifestyle adjustments. If you are at risk for developing MPLN, your doctor may advise you to quit smoking, keep a healthy weight, and exercise regularly. Regular check-ups and screenings can also help to detect the tumor at an early stage.

Advancements in Treatment

Scientists are constantly working on new treatments and therapies for MPLN. Recent research has indicated that targeted therapy, such as immunotherapy, could help to shrink the tumor. Other therapies, including gene therapy and radiofrequency ablation, are being investigated as potential treatments.

The Takeaway

Metastatic lung origin progressive neuroendocrine tumors (MPLN) is a rare form of cancer that can affect different parts of the body. Diagnosis and treatment are generally aimed at controlling the spread and symptoms of the tumor. Because the tumor progresses slowly, early detection is key. With advancements in treatments and therapies, it is possible to treat and manage the tumor.