Keratosis Palmaris et Plantaris

Keratosis Palmaris et Plantaris

Keratosis palmaris et plantaris (KPP) is a rare genetic disorder affecting the palms and soles of the feet. It is characterized by lesions in the skin that are firm, raised, and may have a spiny, rough texture. It is usually bilateral and symmetrical, meaning it affects both hands and feet but is not necessarily the same on both sides.

KPP is caused by a mutation in the gene responsible for making keratin, the protein of which our skin, hair, and nails are made. This gene mutation leads to an increase in the amount of keratin produced, causing an accumulation of excess keratin in the skin.

Common symptoms of KPP include thickened, scaly, and clustered lesions which commonly occur on the palms and soles of the feet. These lesions may have a spiny or rough texture. They often cause discomfort when subjected to pressure or friction. It is possible for KPP to cause long-term problems within the feet as well.

Standard treatment for KPP is a topical corticosteroid cream or ointment. However, in more severe cases surgery may be needed to remove the abnormal build-up of keratin. Some patients with KPP may also require care for underlying issues such as any infection, inflammation, or skin trauma that could be causing or worsening the condition.

Prevention of Keratosis Palmaris et Plantaris

The best way to prevent KPP is through the use of good hand and foot hygiene practices. This includes:

  • Avoiding activities that put undue pressure or friction on the hands and feet (e.g. activities such as extreme sports or heavy lifting)
  • Wearing gloves when washing dishes, cleaning, or using chemicals
  • Wearing comfortable and supportive shoes
  • Keeping feet clean and dry at all times
  • Never sharing towels or shoes with others
  • Applying moisturizing lotion to the hands and feet
  • Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption

By following these simple steps, individuals with KPP can help prevent the worsening or recurrence of the condition. If you have any further questions about KPP, please consult with your doctor.