Inflammatory lesions caused by rosacea

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects the face and causes flushing, redness, and occasional pimples. Rosacea is most common in adults aged 30–50 and is more common in women than in men.

Inflammatory Lesions Caused by Rosacea

Inflammatory lesions or pimples caused by rosacea are small, red, pus-filled lesions. They can appear anywhere on the face and sometimes on the neck, chest, and ears. These lesions can be tender and may take several weeks or even months to go away. Common rosacea lesions include:

  • Papules: these are small red bumps that can range from being very tender to very painful.
  • Pustules: these look like pimples but tend to be larger and more painful.
  • Nodules: these are firm, slightly raised bumps that may be tender.
  • Crusts: this is a common symptom of rosacea which is caused by inflammation and dryness of the skin.

In some cases, these lesions can be quite painful and may cause discomfort and embarrassment for the individual. They can also be itchy and can be the reason for the person's sleepless nights. It is important to seek medical attention if one experiences any of the above symptoms.