
What is Belching?

Belching, also known as burping, is the release of swallowed air from the stomach. This is usually done when excess air accumulates in the stomach due to activities including drinking, eating, and smoking. Belching is a natural reflex and is considered a social norm in some cultures. Belching is generally considered as an unpleasant and embarrassing condition.

Causes of Belching

Belching is often caused by swallowed air from eating, drinking, or smoking. Other causes of belching may include digestive problems such as gastritis, indigestion, or acid reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux is the frequent backflow of stomach acids into the esophagus, which can cause erosion of the esophagus and can lead to belching.

Symptoms of Belching

  • Burping that produces a strong, bad-smelling odor
  • Pain or burning feeling in the stomach area
  • A feeling of fullness after eating
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Bloating

Treatment of Belching

If belching is caused by swallowed air and not by a medical condition, it can be avoided by taking smaller bites and drinking less while eating. This will reduce the amount of air that is swallowed. Other tips to reduce belching include not smoking and avoiding carbonated drinks.

If belching is caused by a medical condition, the condition should be treated. Treatment will vary depending on the cause of the belching, but can include dietary changes, medications, and lifestyle changes. If belching is caused by acid reflux, medications such as antacids or proton pump inhibitors may be used to reduce the amount of stomach acid.