Bilirubin - urine

What is Bilirubin - Urine?

Bilirubin – Urine is a diagnostic test used to measure bilirubin level in urine. Bilirubin is the pigment present in the bile which is produced by the liver and excreted through the kidneys. Bilirubin is produced when red blood cells (RBCs) break down and the body’s liver processes it. It is essentially a measure of how well the liver is functioning. The test measures the quantity of bilirubin, ferric ions, urobilinogen and glucose in a 24 hour urine sample.


No special preparations are needed before getting the Bilirubin – Urine test. However, it is important to drink sufficient water before the test.


The urine sample is collected through a single mid-stream urine sample. The sample is then analyzed for bilirubin levels. The results of the test are generally available within a day or two.

Types of Bilirubin Urine Test

  • Total Bilirubin Urine Test: This test helps to determine the amount of total bilirubin present in the urine sample.
  • Direct Bilirubin Urine Test: This test measures only the conjugated form of bilirubin present in the urine sample.
  • Indirect Bilirubin Urine Test: This test measures only the unconjugated or indirect form of bilirubin present in the urine sample.

Risks and Complications

There are no known risks or complications associated with Bilirubin – Urine test.

Why is Bilirubin - Urine Test Done?

The Bilirubin - Urine test helps to diagnose and monitor liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, jaundice, Gilbert's syndrome, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, and Crigler-Najjar syndrome. The test also helps to detect hepatic obstructions, gallbladder disease, pancreatitis and malabsorption conditions.

When is Bilirubin – Urine Test Required?

Bilirubin – Urine test is recommended when a patient is suffering from symptoms like yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), dark urine, light-colored stools, nausea, fatigue, abdominal pain/tenderness, increased fluid retention in the body, itching, etc. The doctor may suggest the test to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment.