Severe North American blastomycosis


What is Severe North American Blastomycosis?

Severe North American blastomycosis (or SNB) is a type of fungal infection caused by the fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis. This fungus usually exists in the environment, but can get into the deep tissue of humans when it's inhaled or otherwise transmitted. This infection is most commonly found in North America in moist, warm climates, such as those found in areas like the southeastern United States, the Great Lakes region, and Canada.

Risk Factors and Symptoms

SNB is most common in people with weakened immune systems, such as those suffering from AIDS, cancer, and other chronic conditions. Additionally, people living in the aforementioned regions of North America, particularly those who are often exposed to soil, dust, and vegetation, are more at risk of becoming infected with SNB. Common symptoms of SNB include chest pain, coughing, fever, fatigue, shortness of breath, and night sweats. Additionally, those infected may experience joint pain, more serious respiratory issues, skin ulcerations and lesions, and other skin-related issues.

Prevention and Treatment

As per usual, prevention is key when it comes to reducing the risks associated with SNB infection. People should practice safe and sanitary activities as much as possible, wearing protective clothing when engaging in activities involving soil, dust, and vegetation. Additionally, people with weakened immune systems should be extra vigilant in avoiding potential sources of infection. SNB is most often treated with high-dose antifungal medications. Depending on the severity of the infection, longer courses of treatment may be necessary, often lasting several weeks to months. Additionally, further medical interventions, such as surgery and other treatments, may be necessary.


Although SNB is a rare condition, it can affect people who have weakened immune systems and live in the aforementioned regions of North America. People should be aware of potential sources of infection and practice safe activities, as well as seek medical attention if any symptoms emerge.