Prevention of subtype B viruses contained in the 2015 formula Influenza B Virus Infection

Prevention of 2015 Formula Influenza B Virus Infection

Subtype B influenza virus infection can be prevented by taking some steps to reduce the risk of becoming infected. This includes keeping an up to date vaccination schedule, washing hands regularly with soap and water, avoiding contact with people who are ill, and avoiding contact with known sources of infection, such as animals or surfaces containing the virus.

To reduce the risk of contracting a subtype B influenza virus infection, individuals should stay informed of populations and geographical areas where infections have been reported and be aware of means of transmission and possible points of contact. This includes limiting close contacts with those confirmed to have influenza B virus infection or those considered to be at high risk.

The following are recommended to prevent the spread of 2015 formula influenza B virus infection:

  • Get a seasonal influenza vaccine. Vaccines are the best defense against the spread of influenza virus infections.
  • Frequent hand washing is the primary method for preventing spread of influenza virus infections. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
  • Avoid contact with people known to be infected with the influenza B virus.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid sharing personal items such as drinking vessels, eating utensils, and towels.
  • Maintain a clean environment. Vacuum carpets and upholstery and clean and disinfect surfaces.
  • Stay home while ill. Staying away from family and friends while ill can help prevent others from becoming infected.