Ovarian Cancer Stage III

What is Stage III Ovarian Cancer?

Stage III ovarian cancer is a cancer that has spread from the ovaries to other parts of the body, and is divided into 3 different stages. Stage III is the most advanced stage of ovarian cancer and is divided into 3 sub-stages – IIIa, IIIb, and IIIc.

In stage III ovarian cancer, the tumor has spread from the ovaries to the nearby organs, such as the bladder, uterus or the fallopian tubes. In some cases, it may even have spread to the lining of the abdominal wall, the omentum – a fatty tissue layer that supports and covers the abdominal organs, and lymph nodes in the area.

Symptoms of Stage III Ovarian Cancer

Stage III ovarian cancer may or may not produce symptoms. Common symptoms that may be experienced include:

  • Pain or bloating in the lower abdomen
  • Feeling very full even with small meals
  • Urinary urgency or frequency
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Back pain
  • Indigestion and gas
  • Changes in bowel habits

Diagnosis and Treatment of Stage III Ovarian Cancer

If your doctor suspects that you may have ovarian cancer, they will order a combination of exams and tests to confirm the diagnosis, including a pelvic exam, a CA-125 blood test, an ultrasound or CT scan, and/or a laparoscopy, where instruments are inserted through small incisions in the abdomen to look for tumors.

Once your doctor has confirmed the diagnosis of stage III ovarian cancer, they will recommend treatment based on the size and extent of the tumor, as well as on your overall health. Treatment may include the removal of the tumor and any affected reproductive organs, chemotherapy, and radiation.

It is important to remember that stage III ovarian cancer is highly treatable. It is important to speak with your doctor about any concerns that you may have and to consult with a specialist if needed.