Nail growth abnormal

5 Causes of Abnormal Nail Growth

Nail growth abnormalities can happen due to a variety of reasons, including underlying medical conditions, dietary issues, or even as a result of certain habits. Paying attention to changes in the look and feel of the nails can often be a red-flag for other medical concerns. Read on to learn more about the five common causes of abnormal nail growth.

1. Thyroid Issues

Thyroid issues can affect the hair and nails alike, and can lead to slow nail growth, brittle nails, and even colorless nails, in some cases. If abnormal nail growth is accompanied by other symptoms of a thyroid issue such as weight gain, fatigue, infertility, or dry skin, you should visit your doctor to assess your thyroid health.

2. Diabetes

The nail growth of diabetics can be characterized by many changes, including yellow or brown discoloration, thickening, crumbling at the edges, and poor or slow growth. Abnormal nail growth can be an early indicator of diabetes, weighing heavily on the importance of making an appointment with the doctor if you notice a drastic change in your own nails.

3. Fungal infections

Fungal nail infections work their way in through a breach in the nail. If untreated, daarvoet fungus can cause splitting, discoloration, yellowing, and abnormal growth. In some cases, if the fungal infection has spread to the nail bed, the discoloration will be a blue-green color, accompanied by a burning sensation. Your doctor can diagnose a fungal infection through a microscope, and will likely prescribe an antifungal product.

4. Smoking

It’s well-known that smoking can have adverse effects on the body, and can also lead to an array of nail problems. Smoking can effect the growth of the nails, leading to them becoming brittle and easily breaking. Those seeking to correct abnormal nail growth should begin by quitting smoking to fully restore the health of the nails.

5. Low Iron Levels

Low iron levels can lead to impaired nail growth, and can ultimately cause a variety of nail abnormalities. If your nails are thin or dull, and tend to split easily, low iron levels may be the culprit. Visit your doctor for a simple blood test to determine if this could be an underlying cause of your abnormal nail growth. Iron supplements can be used to treat iron-deficiency anemia.

How to Treat Abnormal Nail Growth?

Treatment for abnormal nail growth depends on the underlying cause. If the problem is due to a medical condition such as diabetes or thyroid issues, it’s essential to make an appointment with the doctor for further assessment and diagnosis. In the case of fungal nail infections, an antifungal medication can be used to cure the infection. For those with low iron levels, iron supplements can be used to restore nail health. Finally, the health of the nails can be greatly improved by quitting smoking and following a balanced diet.