Incision of the Thrombosed Anorectal Vein

Incision of the Thrombosed Anorectal Vein

The thrombosed anorectal vein is a collection of veins that can lead to bleeding, swelling, and pain around the anal area. Incision of the vein is a necessary treatment for the relief of these symptoms and to reduce the chance of continued problems. It is usually done under local anesthesia and involves opening up the veins to eliminate the clot and restore normal circulation in the area.

Steps of Incision of the Vein

Incision of the thrombosed anorectal vein is a relatively simple procedure.

  • The area will be cleaned with antiseptic solution.
  • The doctor will inject a local anesthetic into the area for pain relief.
  • Using a scalpel, the doctor will make a small incision as required into the wall of the vein.
  • The clot will be removed using forceps.
  • The area will be examined for further internal bleeding.
  • A small stitch will be made to close the incision.
  • The wound will be covered with a dressing.

Risks and Complications

Incision of the thrombosed anorectal vein is generally a safe procedure. However, as with any medical procedure, there is always a risk for unforeseen complications.

  • The patient may experience pain or discomfort during and after the procedure.
  • Infection of the wound or surrounding area can occur.
  • The patient may experience excessive bleeding.
  • The patient may develop a hematoma, which is an abnormal collection of blood.
  • There is a risk of more complications in older patients or those with compromised immune systems.


Following incision of the thrombosed anorectal vein, the patient should rest for a few days and keep the area clean. It is important to avoid lifting heavy objects for the first week so that the healing process is not disrupted. The patient should follow the doctor's instructions for proper wound care and make a follow-up appointment for a checkup at the office.