
What Is Hypodermoclysis?

Hypodermoclysis, also known as subcutaneous infusion, is a medical procedure used to infuse small amounts of fluids intravenously, usually saline. As a result, the patient receives a small amount of intravascular fluid directly into the subcutaneous tissue, improving his or her hydration and electrolyte balance without the need for a needle or catheter. Hypodermoclysis is widely used in the elderly, the sick and people who don’t tolerate needles very well, or who can’t take in fluids via intravenous injections.

The Benefits of Hypodermoclysis

Hypodermoclysis has various advantages and benefits, including:

  • It can reduce the risk of infection.
  • It has a minimal risk of allergies, reactions or other complications.
  • It can be done at home (with the help of a medical professional).
  • It can be used to administer small amounts of electrolyte solutions or medications, as well as fluids.
  • It does not require needle use (minimizing discomfort).
  • It’s a safe and effective procedure in elderly and frail patients.

How Is Hypodermoclysis Performed?

A hypodermoclysis procedure involves the insertion of fluid into the subcutaneous tissue through a needle or butterfly needle, usually in the upper arm or abdomen. Once the solution is inserted, it spreads through the subcutaneous tissue, leading to increased hydration and electrolyte balance. The procedure takes around 30 minutes, and it does not require too much time of patient preparation. It’s preferred in elderly and sicker patients due to the reduced risk of causing tissue damage.


Hypodermoclysis is a safe and effective procedure for providing fluids and medications intravenously, without the need for a needle. It provides an alternative to traditional intravenous injections for patients who can’t tolerate needles or can’t take in fluids through other methods. The procedure has many benefits, such as reduced risk of infections and allergies, as well as minimal patient preparation times.