
What is Hemiballismus?

Hemiballismus is a disorder in which a person has violent, involuntary and uncontrolled movements on one side (hemi) of the body. It is caused by a stroke or a brain leak, which means that blood, fluid, or other material has leaked out of the brain.

The movements are typically jerky and consist of a large range of motion. They can involve the arm, leg, or entire side of the body. They usually occur rapidly and are not repetitive.

Symptoms Of Hemiballismus

The main symptom of Hemiballismus is violent, uncontrolled movements on one side of the body. The movements may involve the arm, leg, or entire side of the body.

  • Involuntary and uncontrolled movements
  • Jerky, large range of motion movements
  • Rapid movements
  • Not repetitive
  • One-sided involvement
  • Difficulty controlling the body
  • Fatigue

Causes and Risk Factors

Hemiballismus is usually caused by either a stroke, or a brain leak, which refers to any situation in which blood, fluid, or other material has leaked out of the brain. Other causes include brain lesions, head injuries, tumor, trauma, or certain diseases such as Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, or multiple sclerosis.

The risk factors for Hemiballismus are similar to those for a stroke, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, certain medications, smoking, and alcohol abuse.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Hemiballismus is usually diagnosed through physical examination and medical history. Medical imaging may be used to rule out other causes of the symptoms. The treatment might consist of medications such as antipsychotics or anticonvulsants as well as physical and occupational therapy. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.