Adrenocortical Hyperfunction

What is Adrenocortical Hyperfunction?

Adrenocortical Hyperfunction is a disorder caused by increased activity of the outer portion of the adrenal gland, known as the adrenal cortex. Overproduction of certain hormones from the adrenal cortex can lead to a variety of symptoms, including weight gain, high blood pressure, electrolyte imbalances, excessive thirst and urination, skin darkening, and thinning of the bones.

The exact cause of Adrenocortical Hyperfunction is unknown, however, it can sometimes be triggered by certain illnesses, such as Cushing's disease, or by taking certain medications, such as steroids.

Symptoms of Adrenocortical Hyperfunction

The symptoms of Adrenocortical Hyperfunction vary from person to person, and are often associated with the hormone that is overproduced. Common symptoms include:

  • Weight gain
  • High blood pressure
  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Excessive thirst and urination
  • Skin darkening
  • Thinning of the bones
  • Mood disturbances
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Facial hair growth in women
  • Fatigue

Diagnosis and Treatment of Adrenocortical Hyperfunction

Adrenocortical Hyperfunction is typically diagnosed through physical examination, imaging tests, laboratory tests, and sometimes biopsy. Treatment typically involves medications that reduce the overproduction of hormones and other therapies as well. Corticosteroids may be prescribed to reduce inflammation or suppress the overproduction of hormones, and sometimes surgery may be necessary to remove a tumor or abnormal tissue.

It is important to remember that treatment for Adrenocortical Hyperfunction should be tailored to the individual patient, as everyone's symptoms and needs are different.