Reducing brain mass

Reducing Brain Mass with HTML Tags

As web developers, we often use HTML tags to create structure and content on the page. While the tags themselves are straightforward, if used improperly, they can lead to bloated and heavy webpages, which can slow down loading time and lead to user frustration. By optimizing HTML tags throughout a webpage, a web developer can reduce the size and “brain mass” of the page, making for a faster, smoother, and more enjoyable experience.

h2 Tags are Great for Structure

The h2 tag should be used as a headline (title) of a given section. It should be the first element on top of a given section, giving the reader context for the content organized below. It should be used sparingly, as it increases the mass of the page, but adds no real content.

p Tags Provide Content

The p tag should be used for paragraphs, which contain the main content of the page. It’s important to note that a page should not contain more than two consecutive p tags, as this can create a bloated and cluttered page.

li Tags Organize Bullets and Lists

The li tag should be used for unordered lists. It should contain the main points organized by the particular list, and should also provide a visual cue for the reader. For example, lists should be preceded by a bullet or other visual cue to indicate that the text is a list.


By using CSS to style HTML tags properly, web developers can reduce the mass of a page while ensuring a great user experience throughout their site. Optimizing HTML tags by using the h2, p, and li tags properly will lead to a faster loading, better organized, and more enjoyable web site for viewers.