Inflammatory dermatoses of the scalp

What are Inflammatory Dermatoses of the Scalp?

Inflammatory dermatoses of the scalp are an umbrella term used to refer to several inflammatory skin disorders that affect the scalp. These conditions usually produce inflammation or irritation in the form of redness, itching, scales, and flaking of the scalp. They can involve any part of the scalp, including the forehead, scalp line, temples, or behind the ears. Symptoms often vary depending on the type of inflammatory dermatoses, but the most common is seborrheic dermatitis.

Common Types of Inflammatory Dermatoses of the Scalp

The most common type of inflammatory dermatoses of the scalp is seborrheic dermatitis, which commonly causes red, very scaly patches on the scalp. This condition is often mistaken for dandruff. Other common types include psoriasis, dermatitis herpetiformis, and alopecia areata.

  • Seborrheic dermatitis – Red, very scaly patches on the scalp.
  • Psoriasis – Thick, red patches on the scalp that may have silvery scales.
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis – Small, red bumps and blisters on the scalp.
  • Alopecia areata – Rapid and patchy hair loss.

Treatments of Inflammatory Dermatoses of the Scalp

The treatment of inflammatory dermatoses of the scalp varies depending on the type and severity of the condition. Treatment for seborrheic dermatitis may include a medicated shampoo containing antifungals and corticosteroids. For psoriasis, treatments may include topical corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, vitamin D analogues and topical immunomodulators. If these treatments are not effective then phototherapy or systemic medications may be prescribed.